Where to buy Pokémon TCG: Celebrations 25th Anniversary sets
Check out the best places to pick up the latest additions to Pokémon TCG, the Celebrations 25th Anniversary set.
To celebrate Pokémon's 25th anniversary, The Pokémon Company released a special run of Pokémon cards called the 'Celebrations' set.This is argubably the most sought-after set to date and stock is hard to find, but you can check out the best places to order Pokémon TCG Celebrations cards along with information on what cards are being reprinted and which products are currently in stock.
What cards are in the Pokémon TCG Celebrations Set?

If you never thought you'd be able to get your hands on the legendary base set Charizard, think again. The Pokémon TCG Celebrations set features reprints of some of the franchise's most iconic cards, including the Base Set Charizard, Gold Star Umbreon and Tapu Lele GX alongside new promo, VMAX, metal cards, figurines and other merchandise.
The full card list has now been revealed and comprises two seperate sub sets each containing 25 cards, in addition to 13 promo cards. The main set features new cards such as Gold Mew, Flying Pikachu VMAX and Ho-Oh, while the other set, known as the Classic Collection, features special holo reprints spanning the entire history of the Pokémon TCG, from the original Base Set through to Neo Genesis and XY Roaring Skies and EX Team Magma Vs. Team Aqua.
Full list of Pokémon TCG Celebrations cards
Pokémon TCG Celebrations Main Set cards
- Ho-oh (001/025)
- Reshiram (002/025)
- Kyogre (003/025)
- Palkia (004/025)
- Pikachu (005/025)
- Flying Pikachu V (006/025)
- Flying Pikachu VMAX (007/025)
- Surfing Pikachu V (008/025)
- Surfing Pikachu VMAX (009/025)
- Zekrom (010/025)
- Mew (011/025)
- Xerneas (012/025)
- Cosmog (013/025)
- Cosmoem (014/025)
- Lunala (015/025)
- Zacian V (016/025)
- Groudon (017/025)
- Zamazenta V (018/025)
- Yveltal (019/025)
- Dialga (020/025)
- Solgaleo (021/025)
- Lugia (022/025)
- Professor's Research (023/025)
- Professor's Research [Full Art] (024/025)
- Mew [Gold] (025/025)
Pokémon TCG Celebrations Classic Set cards
- Venusaur (Base Set)
- Charizard (Base Set)
- Gardevoir ex (EX Dragon Frontiers)
- Reshiram (Black and White Base Set)
- Blastoise (Base Set)
- Shining Magikarp (Neo Revelation)
- Dark Gyarados (Rocket)
- _____'s Pikachu (Wizards Black Star Promos)
- Rocket's Zapdos (Gym Challenge)
- Luxray GL LV.X (Platinum—Rising Rivals)
- Zekrom (Black & White)
- Mewtwo EX (Black & White—Next Destinies)
- Mew ex (EX Legend Maker)
- Tapu Lele-GX (Sun & Moon—Guardians Rising)
- Donphan (HeartGold & SoulSilver)
- Claydol (Diamond & Pearl—Great Encounters)
- Team Magma's Groudon (EX Team Magma vs. Team Aqua)
- Gold Star Umbreon (POP Series 5)
- Xerneas-EX (XY Base Set)
- Cleffa (Neo Genesis)
- M Rayquaza-EX (XY—Roaring Skies)
- Garchomp C LV.X (Platinum—Supreme Victors)
- Here Comes Team Rocket (Rocket)
- Imposter Professor Oak (Base Set)
- Rocket's Admin. (EX Team Rocket Returns)
Pokémon TCG Promo cards
- Pikachu VMAX (SWSH062)
- Dragapult (SWSH132)
- Lance's Charizard V (SWSH133)
- Dark Sylveon V (SWSH134)
- Zacian LV.X (SWSH135)
- Mimikyu (SWSH136)
- Light Toxtricity (SWSH137)
- Hydreigon C (SWSH138)
- Pikachu V-UNION (SWSH139)
- Pikachu V (SWSH143)
- Gold Star Greninja (SWSH144)
- GOLD Pikachu V (SWSH145)
- GOLD Poké Ball (SWSH146)
Similar to other special sets such as Hidden Fates and Shining Fates, you can't buy the booster packs from the Pokémon Celebrations set separately. And as the set is so small, booster packs will only contain four cards rather than the standard 11 – but some sets do include extra boosters.
As an example, the ETB has five additional booster packs bringing the total number of boosters you'll receive to 13, rather than the standard eight.
Here's a full list of all the products in the Pokémon TCG Celebrations set along with their initial release dates.
Pokémon TCG Celebrations Products
- Pokémon TCG:CelebrationsCollection—Dragapult Prime (available on Oct. 8, 2021)
- Pokémon TCG:CelebrationsCollections—Lance’s Charizard V and Dark Sylveon V (available on Oct. 8, 2021)
- Pokémon TCG:CelebrationsDeluxe Pin Collection (available on Oct. 8, 2021)
- Pokémon TCG:CelebrationsElite Trainer Box (available on Oct. 8, 2021)
- Pokémon TCG:CelebrationsMini Tins (available on Oct. 8, 2021)
- Pokémon TCG:CelebrationsSpecial Collection—Pikachu V-UNION (available on Oct. 8, 2021)
- Pokémon TCG:CelebrationsPremium Figure Collection—Pikachu VMAX (available on Oct. 22, 2021)
- Pokémon TCG:CelebrationsUltra-Premium Collection (available on Oct. 22, 2021)
- Pokémon TCG: Celebrations Collector Chest (available in October 2021)
Pokémon TCG: Celebrations Pre-orders

If you thought the Hidden Fates, Champion's Path and Shining Fates sets flew out quickly on their initial release dates, the Celebrations sets sold out super fast. The massive demand for Pokemon cards combined with global shipping constraints led to The Pokemon Company releasing an update on Pokémon Card shortages back in February.
Thankfully, a lot of the issues with stock have now been addressed thanks to reprints, meaning Shining Fates and Champion's Path, which were initially two of the hardest sets to get hold of, are now in stock at most retailers.
The official statement has also been recently updated, with The Pokémon Company saying "For new Pokémon TCG expansions launching in the future, we are maximizing production to increase product availability upon release, and we will continue to reprint the products to replenish stock at retailers as soon as possible."
Hopefully, that should mean the Pokémon TCG Celebrations products are a little easier to get hold of at launch, but there were still a large number of scalpers scooping up the products on day one to sell them at an inflated price – especially with the Base Set Charizard showing its face again
All of the stock available from independent retailers for pre-order has now been allocated but we're expecting new stock to appear online after launch. We'll update the list when new stock goes live.
For now, here's a list of the places where we're expecting stock to hit in the US and the UK.
Pre-order Pokémon Celebrations cards in the US
The Pokémon TCG Celebrations collection will be stocked in all the usual places in the US, including Walmart, Target, BestBuy, GameStop, Amazon, Barnes and Noble and independent retailers.If you can't wait to get your hands on any of the products from the Pokémon Celebrations set, make sure you bookmark this page as we'll be adding stock updates below as soon as they get announced.
That said, some retailers such as GameStop have Pokémon 25th anniversary TCG merchandise such as card folders still in stock, as well as various other sets. You can check what's currently available using the links above.
Also, a word of advice: make sure you check the name of the seller if you're buying from Amazon. Fake Pokemon cards still exist, and there are plenty of third-party sellers trying to capitalise on the demand for Pokémon Cards by selling cheaply produced, fake sets. If something sounds too good to be true, it usually is.
Pre-order Pokémon Celebrations cards in the UK
In the UK, you'll be able to grab the Pokémon TCG Celebrations products from Amazon, GAME, Tesco, Very, Argos, 365 Games, Zavvi, Zatu,Magic Madhouse and independent retailers.Similar to the US, the first wave of the Pokémon TCG Celebrations collection stock sold out in a few hours. There might still be some of the cheaper sets floating about and there is supposedly going to be a restock in the future - there is no confirmed date for this yet but we will keep you updated when it has been announced.
As expected, prices varied significantly from retailer to retailer, so make sure you bookmark this page and keep checking back as we'll be updating it with live stock updates and listings as soon as they're announced.
For now, though, GAME has Chilling Reign ETBs in stock, while Magic Madhouse has Vivid Voltage booster boxes in stock containing 36 booster packs if you're still trying to chase that Pikachu Vmax.
Alternatively, if you're still trying to pull the Rainbow or Shining Charizards from the Champion's Path and Shining Fates collections, you can grab the sought-after ETBs from the links below while they're still in stock. Magic Madhouse currently has Shining Fates ETbs for the best price – just £39.99 with free postage.
- Pokémon Shining Fates ETB from Magic Madhouse for £41.95
- Pokémon Shining Fates ETB from Zatu for £41.49
- Pokemon Champion's Path ETB from Zatu for £53.79
- Pokémon Champion's Path ETB from Amazon for £94.99
- Pokémon Champion's Path ETB from eBay (Unicorn Cards) for £77.09 + £2.90 postage.
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